Supporting the soil deal for Europe across national communities


15 December 2022

Brussels, 15th December 2022

NATI00NS is a European project funded under the HORIZON-MISS-2021-SOIL-02 programme and coordinated by Aarhus University (Denmark).

The main objective of NATI00NS is reaching out to and preparing regional and national stakeholders across Europe to apply for and implement soil health Living Labs, facilitating the deployment of the EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe.” (NATI00NS is one of the nine new projects selected to prepare the ground for the transition towards healthy soils by 2030 by the European Research Executive Agency).

NATI00NS will act as a messenger of the Mission, raising awareness among national and regional stakeholders, providing access to capacity-building materials and information, spurring the discussions on the best Living Labs setups to address regional soil needs, and fostering early matchmaking for cross-regional Living Labs clusters.

The contribution of NATI00NS to the EU Soil Mission goals will be the mobilisation of national groups of stakeholders as potential applicants for regional soil health LLs Open Calls funded by the EU Mission Soil. Thus, NATI00NS will initiate a wide range of tailored activities and events, such as:

  • National Events
  • Thematic Events
  • Training Materials
  • Matchmaking B2B Events
  • Capacity Building
  • Online Helpdesk

niels«Nati00ns will in particular facilitate national engagement events in all EU and AC countries in the spring of 2023 to create awareness of the Soil Health Missions goals vis-à-vis national and regional soil challenges and of the opportunities for HE funding of LLs as a means to support stakeholders in working together for innovative solutions.» 

Niels Halberg, Aarhus University, NATI00NS Project Coordinator

The NATI00NS’ consortium has been carefully selected and formed to cover as many EU and AC countries as possible and engage different types of stakeholders involved in soil and land management at different extents and with the necessary expertise needed for different land use types. This will, in turn, allow the partners to deliver the Mission’s expected impact on society, following the Mission’s objectives and goals.

Follow NATI00NS

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