
Retention and attraction of TALENT for a better deployment of Smart Specialization Strategies.

Brief description of the project:

There is currently an important debate in the European Union about the brain drain and the reduction of natural population growth. As stated in the document “Harnessing talent in Europe’s regions” (COM 2023 32 final), “if left unaddressed, this process will trigger new and growing territorial disparities as regions age and fall behind in terms of size and skills of their workforce«. Improving talent retention and attraction policies is key to maintaining and creating jobs with higher added value and thus preventing brain drain.

The Smart Specialization Strategies are an effective framework for positively addressing the brain drain, as they can focus on the competitive advantages that exist in each region. One of the ways to retain and attract talent is the development of innovative policies, where the key is the cooperation of all stakeholders: researchers, scientists, industry, non-governmental organizations and public administration, with the aim of jointly develop an ecosystem in which innovation contributes decisively to quality jobs.

The analysis of policy instruments, a regional state of art based on the collection of relevant data, exchange of knowledge and preparation of a methodological framework for monitoring regional talents are among the key aspects of the implementation of the TALENT4S3 project in Extremadura.

Lead partner: Foundation FUNDECYT Science and Technology Park of Extremadura (Spain)

Project partnership: Emilia-Romagna Region – Unit for Research, Innovation, European Networks (Italy), North-West Regional Development Agency (Romania), Regional Development Agency for Podravje – Maribor (Slovenia), Regional Council of Lapland (Finland), Public Institution Lithuanian Innovation Centre (Lithuania), Southern Regional Assembly (Ireland) and University of Groningen (Netherlands).

Project duration: April 1, 2024 – June 30, 2028

Total value of the project: 1,818,624.00 euros

Funding source: Interreg Europe (80%)


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