IBERO BIO – Cluster Plurirregional BIO-IBÉRICO


The Project, financed by POCTEP cross-border cooperation programme, intends to develop the a “Cross border Hub in Biotechnology” with the aim to promote the growth and international expansion of Iberian biotech companies.

The generation of the Cross-border Hub in Biotechnology will develop in a collaborative way through different activity related to talent, sectorial hybridation and business competitiveness for biotech SMEs. Furthermore, different elements as innovation, access to finance, complementarity or digitalization will be key for its internationalization.

Among the project activities will be:

  • Creation of a collaborative structure (Iberian Biotech Hub), with the mapping of the existing biotech resources in the Iberian cross-border territory and the biotech impact on the execution of the Smart Specialization Strategies.
  • Improve the access to SME international market, through training and advisory actions in the different regions represented in the project in key aspects for the access to the international market and talent attraction.
  • Promote open innovation through collaboration, with training/demonstrative actions and advanced support services.
  • Promote access to different financing opportunities, through a Fund for the identification of opportunity, evaluations and advise.
  • Promotion of the cross-border territory through the dissemination of the Iberian Biotech Hub through the participation in international fairs and the organization of trade missions and dissemination events.

During the Project, more than 60 biotech SMEs and those from strategic cross-border sectors will benefit from advanced services that will make them more competitive and with greater guarantees of access to international markets.

For more information and to keep up to date, you can follow the IberoBio project through: https://iberobio.eu/


BIOGA, INL, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Vigo, Universidade do Minho, Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Cádiz, Sociedad Municipal de Turismo Comercio y Promoción Económica (Ayto. de Salamanca), COLAB4FOOD, UNINOVA, IGAPE, GREENCOLAB.


01/01/2023 – 12/31/2025

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