Retention and attraction of TALENT for a better deployment of Smart Specialization Strategies. Brief description of the project: There is currently an important debate in the European Union about the […]
The Project, financed by POCTEP cross-border cooperation programme, intends to develop the a “Cross border Hub in Biotechnology” with the aim to promote the growth and international expansion of Iberian
As part of the EU Soil Mission, Healthy Municipal Soils (HuMUS) project engages and activates municipalities and regions to protect and restore soil health. Municipalities are at the forefront of
The High Technology Incubator in Bioeconomy and Circular Economy is more than Extremadura’s commitment to a sustainable economic model; It is a state-of-the-art and reference infrastructure for the realization of
The objective of P4SME project is to improve the support in terms of sustainability that European STPs, incubators, innovation agencies or similar organisations are providing to their tenants or client
FUNDECYT-PCTEX está desarrollando el proyecto GreenD: Ecodiseño: Ecoinnovación para la competitividad, proyecto enmarcado en el Programa Empleaverde MEJORA gestionado por la Fundación Biodiversidad y cofinanciado por el Fondo Social Europeo. El proyecto tiene como objetivo llevar a cabo